Richmond Parkway Transportation Plan

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Read the Adopted Plan!

The Richmond Parkway Transportation Plan is now available for viewing. The Plan recommends priority strategies to equitably address key transportation challenges along the corridor, including safety, access, public health, and maintenance. 

The Richmond Parkway Transportation Plan was adopted by the WCCTC Board on February 28, 2025. 

When viewing or downloading the Plan, we recommend changing your settings to two-page view and showing the cover page (View -> Display Settings -> "Two-Page View" and check "Show Cover Page"). 

Adopted Richmond Parkway Transportation Plan


Appendix A: Engagement Summary Memos

Appendix B: Overview of Regional Influence

Appendix C: Plan Strategies Goals Alignment

Appendix D: Richmond Parkway 35% Design Concept

Appendix E: Existing Funding Sources for Priority Strategies

Appendix F: Priority Strategy Cost Estimates

Plan Overview

Click on the link below to access previous WCCTC Board Meeting presentations for summaries of the planning process.

Board Meeting Presentation #1

Board Meeting Presentation #2

Board Meeting Presentation #3

Board Meeting Presentation #4

Board Meeting Presentation #5

Board Meeting Presentation #6

The Richmond Parkway Transportation Plan identifies strategies that equitably expand transportation options, support safe travel, and reduce public health impacts of truck and vehicle traffic along Richmond Parkway and Castro Street between I-80 and I-580.  

Located in the City of Richmond and in unincorporated Contra Costa County, including North Richmond, Richmond Parkway is a major road linking I-80 and I-580. It serves many functions of regional and local importance: as a goods movement (truck and rail) corridor connecting to the Port of Richmond and local industrial uses, a regional commuter corridor, a critical segment of the San Francisco Bay Trail, and a transit center via the Richmond Parkway Transit Center.  As new industrial and residential growth continues along the Parkway, this study presents an opportunity to plan for better access and mobility before existing challenges are exacerbated.

Given that many communities along the corridor have relatively high concentrations of low-income people and people of color compared to the Bay Area as a whole, a major component of this process consists of both in-person and digital engagement with nearby community members to inform the direction of the Plan. See the timeline to the right to get involved and learn about when engagement activities are planned.

Plan Goals

The Plan aims to:

  1. Reduce negative impacts of speeding, collisions, neighborhood cut-through traffic and localized pollution.
  2. Develop quality projects for people of all backgrounds, abilities, and ages.
  3. Improve safety and conditions for all modes of travel within the plan area and encourage greater use of active transportation and transit.
  4. Increase access to regional trails, parks, employment, and educational opportunities.

Study Sponsors

Funding for the Richmond Parkway Transportation Plan comes from Caltrans through the Sustainable Communities Grant.

Study Partners 

City of Richmond

Contra Costa County

Study Area

Map of Project Study Area


SPRING 2023 Gather baseline data and perform challenges and opportunities analysis.
SUMMER 2023 Conduct first phase of community engagement, in-person and digitally, on needs and opportunities.

FALL 2023

Develop the Evaluation Framework and Parkway Strategies Toolkit.


Conduct second phase of community engagement, in-person and digitally, focused on strategy identification.


Finalize preferred projects and solutions based on community input, as well as the financing strategy for implementation.


Finalize the implementation plan.

FALL 2024

Produce the Public Review Draft to be available for comment in third phase of community engagement. Prepare the Final Draft Plan.

WINTER 2024-2025

Final Plan Adopted by WCCTC, Contra Costa County, City of Richmond, and CCTA.